Hardcover Book Printing in Connecticut

Hardcover Book Printing Services in Connecticut

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PRC Hardcover Book Printing in Connecticut
Printing Services

High-Quality Hardcover Book Printing Services – Custom Options Available in Connecticut

When you need quality hardcover book printing services  in Connecticut call PRC Book Printing.

If you need hardback book printing in Connecticut, PRC Book Printing is the printer you can trust. We have over 20 years of experience printing high-quality hardback short-run and long-run books.

What to Know About Hardcover Book Printing in New Hampshire

Hardcover book printing, also known as hardback, hardcase, or hardbound is the most professional type of book binding. Hardcover book printing is a printing method where the book’s cover consists of hard board material.

A hardcover book uses the case binding method, in which trimmed blocks of pages are gathered and glued together, then cased in with a stiff cardboard cover. This type of book cover works best for coffee table books, cookbooks, children’s books, and many other types of high-quality books. Hardcover book printing service usually results in a higher quality book.

PRC Hardcover Book Printing in Connecticut
PRC Book Printing - Hardcover Book Printing USA

PRC – The Leaders in Hardcover Book Printing in New Hampshire

Hardcover book printing is fast, easy, affordable and provides a durable, high quality professional look that can’t be matched.

If you are looking for the benefits of working with PRC, view our Hardcover Book Printing Services page for detailed information, or contact us to learn more..

PRC has produced millions of high quality hardcover books.

The PRC Hardcover Book Printing Process

You don’t need to be an expert and you don’t have to do it all by yourself. If you are a literature fanatic, authoring a short story, book of poetry, or the next great American Novel – PRC Book Printing is here to help you through the self-publishing process.

Hardcover book printing for clients in Connecticut usually takes about 5 to 8 weeks.

The first step is to send your print ready PDF files to us. Once we receive your files, we begin pre-flighting and proofing.

Next, we print out a proof of your book. This proof will help you see what the colors on paper will look like. Once the final proof is approved, we move on to — printing the actual book!

Then, all interior pages and covers are printed or wrapped with cloth, we move onto binding all the interior pages and gluing the endpapers to the cover.

From there, the final product is boxed up and shipped out to the customer!