3 Ways to Help Your Child Learn to Love Reading

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It’s never been quite so difficult to encourage your child to read. Just a few decades earlier, reading’s biggest competition, when it came to entertainment, was a neighborhood park and a bicycle. Unfortunately, today’s child is a bit more distracted.

Between the constant stream of content being created daily on YouTube to the bright flashing lights of video games and television, books just don’t seem to hold the same appeal as they once did.

However, reading is a fundamental skill that will benefit a child for his or her entire life, and there are a number of effective ways that parents can encourage their child to put down the video game controller and pick up a book. We’ve compiled some of the top tips for parents who are looking to instill a lifelong love of reading in their young children.

Start early.

The best way to encourage reading is to make it a routine. Even newborn children will enjoy listening to the rhythm of your voice. If your toddler cannot sit through an entire book, you can try to engage him or her by asking them to point to pictures in the book.

Choose age-appropriate and fun reading materials for younger children.

You may love the exciting wizard world of Harry Potter, but it may be impossible for a young child to understand. Choose simple stories and picture books for toddlers and children who have not yet developed their vocabularies.

Help older children find engaging materials.

Encouraging older children to read means giving them more freedom to choose what they want to read. Contacting a softcover or cloth cover book printing service can help you find new and challenging reading materials for school-aged children.

Do you have a story that can help the children fall in love with reading? Contacting commercial book printers like our team here at PRC Book Printing Service Printing can help get you on the path to expand your audience today!

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