4 Signs of a Great Editor

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September 06, 2018

You’ve spent years perfecting your characters, breathing life into your setting, and you think you’re finally ready to publish your own hardcover book. However, before you send your manuscript to print and break out the champagne, you should have an editor look over your work to perfect your spelling, grammar, and tone. But how can you tell if your editor is the real deal? If he or she shows these four signs of a great editor, the chances are that your work will come out brighter and better in the end!

  • They comment on both the good and the bad. Superior editors know that no text is perfect, and no text is unsalvageable. No matter how good or bad your work is, he or she should offer plenty of positive and negative feedback. If your editor is full of nothing but compliments (or criticism!), alarms should be ringing in your head.
  • They take their time. A great editor knows that going over a script with a fine-toothed comb takes time. Beware of editors who offer “rush jobs” or who offer to read your entire book in a single day — chances are, they’re not being thorough.
  • They’re thoughtful in their criticism. Great editors know that criticism can make your writing stronger…but only if you know what to correct. An editor who is skilled in their craft will never write things like “this isn’t good” on your work; they’ll tell you specifically why it’s falling short and what you can do to make it better.
  • They maintain your vision. Your editor’s job is to enhance your voice, not change it. Beware of an editor who butchers entire paragraphs without explanation or who changes phrases and words just because they don’t personally like them. Remember, your editor is not the writer — he or she is a tool to amplify your style of speaking.

Are you ready to expand your audience with softcover book printing? PRC Book Printing is here to make sure your vision comes to life. Give us a call today at 888-659-8320 to learn more about self-publishing today!

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