Case Binding / Hardcover Binding

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case binding

Case Binding / Hardcover Binding

Case Binding / Hardcover Binding

The most common hardback book binding is case binding. Case binding pages of the books are arranged in signatures, sewn together and hardcover (cloth, vinyl or leather cases) are glued together.  We at PRC Book Printing will guide you on the different paper quality; end sheets, meshes, and binding boards that will be the right fit for your unique book project. Currently we are producing a 454 interior page case bound book with linen cloth; let us direct you to using what will make your book a solid and enduring book.

Process Involved Binding A Book

There are many processes involved in the binding of a book in the traditional hardcover or case bound styles, here are the basic stages:  folding, collating and gathering, sewing; end papering, trimming; rounding and backing; back lining, making cases; casing-in; pressing and jointing; dust jacketing. The book blocks may be perfect (burst) bound or sewn (section sewn or thread sewn).

Unsewn Casebooks will be perfect/burst bound using roundable hotmelt glues and with a lining applied to the spine.  The trimmed book block is then cased-in with endpaper into a hard case.

Sewn Casebooks will be section sewn or thread sewn (smyth sewn), glued with a lining applied to the spine. The trimmed book block is the cased-in with endpapers into the hard case. This binding method assures longevity of a book.

Case binding/ Hard cover binding is a great source for art books, children books, photography books, museum art books, cook books, educational text books…

Questions regarding the creation of a hardcover/case bound book:

  • What type of paper for the interior: glossy, matte?
  • What size board: 2 mm, 2.5 mm, 3 mm?
  • Wrapping of the board: paper, vinyl cloth, linen, real leather or leatherette?
  • Advise the book to be round or square back?
  • What type of coating for your cover: gloss, matte lamination, flood varnish?
  • Other added features to incorporate onto the cover: spot UV, embossing, debossing, foil stamping?
  • Head and tail bands if applied, check the availability of colors.
  • Signature sewn or unsewn?
  • Dust jacket – yeah or neah?
  • End sheets printed or not printed? Note there are a total of 8 pages on the end sheets, 6 pages can be printed if desired.

PRC Book Printing will help you answer the many questions which arise during the formation of your hardcover book printing services/case bound book.   Please call us at Toll FREE at:  888.659.8320 or email us at or you can visit us at
