Creating a Press Ready File
When creating a Press Ready File, which many new to the industry needs to understand. A Press or Print Ready Files for PRC Book Printing requires to be saved as a Printing Ready PDF (CMYK format not RGB). This is pertinent since our equipment is commercial Sheet Fed/ Web presses. Offset printing color is made up of CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) dots, which are placed next to each other in specific patterns that trick the eye into seeing millions of colors. Desktop printers (inkjet or laser) use RGB and some CMYK.
On this type of printing the ink is placed directly on the paper over lapping each other.
(See future blog on digital printing and offset printing)
Here are some quick tips for setting up a file for preparation for PRC Book Printing
Book Covers & Dust Jackets:
Please provide original “Source files” and “Print Ready PDF’s” The source file can be creating in Quark format and /or one of the Creative Suite for covers and jackets in case we need to adjust dimensions. Subsequently, we will also need all linked art files and fonts used. PRC Book Printing will also supply you with a cover and dust jacket template if needed.
Book Interior Pages:
- “Press-Ready” or “Print-Ready” hi-res PDFs, with bleeds and crop-marks included, is top preference in order to avoid errors in the ripping process.
- Embed all fonts.
- Embed all images at 100% size
- Format your inside pages into one multi-page PDF file.
Color Configuration:
Please do not provide RGB files
- All Photos and art must be CMYK, at least 300 dpi resolution
- Black type must be flagged as 100% Black (K). It cannot be a process mix containing any percentage of Cyan, Magenta or Yellow.
All page files must have at least 3mm bleed each side and trim marks.
Media Transfer:
- CD-ROM or DVD-ROM is acceptable.
- If FTP transfer is needed, please contact your sales representative to set up a secure folder for you.
For every book printed, the book has to state the origin where the book was printed.
Country of origin: “Printed in China” or “Manufactured in China”
“Product of Origin” Required by US Custom on entry of goods. The most common place “Printed in China” or “Manufactured in China” inside front or is back cover, copyright page, or table of content page. The guide lines are that the country of origin has to be within the first 3 pages of the book or last 3 pages of the book. The country of origin font can’t be smaller than the smallest font on that page.
PRC Book Printing will support you and share our knowledge to make sure you have a successful print ready PDF file. Call us at 888.659.8320 or Email: for more information.