How to Motivate Yourself to Finish Your First Novel and Get it Published

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How to Motivate Yourself to Finish Your First Novel and Get it Published

How to Motivate Yourself to Finish Your First Novel and Publish it

How far along are you in your book? Writing a book can be a thrilling experience, but it’s also an extensive process. Even the best of writers experience writers’ block and lose the motivation to write. Writing involves creating new and unique characters and environments. That can take a lot of creativity and mental energy from a person. When you stop writing, it can be difficult to pick up where you left off. Do you find it difficult to stay motivated while writing? Don’t worry; we’re here to help! Learn how to motivate yourself while writing in this article! Read on to discover eight ways to stay motivated while writing your first novel.

Write Every Day

One of the first things published authors do to finish their novels is to write every day. Even if you don’t feel like writing, try to write something. It doesn’t have to be an entire chapter or paragraph. Writing one line or piece of dialogue is better than writing nothing at all. Your brain and body will get used to the routine. In time, it will trigger your creative side whenever you need to write. You can also try writing prompts by yourself. Use your surroundings as a basis and try describing them in detail. Some prompts offer vague plots and dialogue starters between two or more characters.

Don’t Worry About Your First Draft

When writing your first novel, try not to worry too much about your first draft. Many first-time writers tend to edit as they write. This hinders the creative process and can take away valuable time. Try to save your editing for last. Switching between writing and editing could drain you of your creativity. The first draft is bound to have errors and room for improvement. However, that’s why it’s the first draft. Try to focus on completing it first before you go back in for improvements.

Reward Yourself

One of the best ways to motivate yourself is to give yourself rewards. Start by setting realistic goals while writing. Your goal could range from writing 500 words, completing a chapter, or filling a plot point. Ensure to set goals that you’re confident you can attain. When you reach this goal, reward yourself. It can be something as small as a cup of coffee to an episode of your favorite show. Rewards are powerful in motivating a person. It gives you a sense of achievement and a positive work cycle. You may even start looking forward to writing. You can set rewards for each goal you complete. If you reach a milestone, pamper yourself with something special.

Ask for a Second Opinion

Getting support can be beneficial in any endeavor. Writing can be a talent, but it’s also a learned skill. If you think there’s room for improvement, ask for a second opinion. After completing your first draft, get a friend or two to read your work. Choose a friend who you can trust to be objective. Constructive criticism is vital in developing and improving as a writer.

Stay Curious

Whether you’re following a new idea or developing a current one, stay curious. Many writers discover new things about their characters as they continue writing. It can be easy to fall into a routine of abandoning an idea when you lose motivation to write it. If you have a day job, find time during breaks to write something. You can also opt to write something right before you sleep.

Know When to Take Breaks

It’s essential to take breaks while doing any task. If you feel unmotivated or experience writers’ block, let yourself set your book aside. You can resume writing after a few days. To avoid indefinite breaks, remind yourself. Specify a deadline when you’ll get back to your book. This will prevent you from procrastinating on writing your book. If you feel unmotivated, consider a change of environment. Take your material and try writing outside or in a different room in your home.

Use the Right Tools

Look for writing apps that have a focused user interface. Avoid using an app with a lot of bling and extra functions. This gets rid of distractions and allows you to focus on your writing. If you’re feeling stuck on a chapter of your novel, try looking for writing techniques. Dan Harmond’s story circle is a great example of an effective writing tool. This technique allows you to outline your plot in short but descriptive points. One of the main causes of a lack of motivation when writing is not knowing how to proceed. You can use Dan Harmond’s circle to outline your entire novel or individual chapters.

Talk it Out

If you have difficulty finding the right words while writing, try talking it out. Pretend that you’re talking to a friend about your novel. Jot down your main points and what message you want to convey. Many find that talking is easier than writing. This also makes your flow feel more natural. When writing dialogue, this can help the conversation feel more realistic.

Try Writing Prompts

If you’re looking for ways on how to motivate yourself, try writing prompts. Many social media platforms, like Reddit and Tumblr, have writing communities. These communities release creative writing prompts that any writer can try. If you’re feeling stuck while writing your novel, a creative prompt can give you a jumpstart. It gives you a different mindset and encourages you to write something new. This can get your creative juices going and give you new ideas for your book. To avoid this, develop your current idea by asking questions. Learn why your characters talk and act the way they do. Determine what makes your setting special and unique. This can also help you fill plot holes. This is also good practice for world-building and developing well-rounded characters.

How to Motivate Yourself to Write and Publish Your First Book Today!

Now you know how to motivate yourself when you hit a roadblock. Setting good writing habits will help you progress your book and become a better writer. Looking to publish your first book? Contact us today!
