Where to Find an Illustrator for my Self-Published Children’s Books?

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Typically with children’s picture books, the author and illustrator need to work as a team. The author writes the book and the illustrator provides the imagery pertaining to the story.

In conventional publishing the author typically does not get the choice of choosing their own illustrator and also unable to work side by side for their visualization.

If self-publishing a children’s book; here are 10 steps to expect from an Illustrator working on your book, from Marlo Garnworthy (writer and illustrator) – from Wordy Bird Studio:

  1. Compensate the illustrator.  Never ask an illustrator to work on “spec”.
  2. Expect to pay a deposit and payment on the progress.
  3. Choose an illustrator who offers a contract, deadlines for payment and delivery dates.
  4. Know the costs hiring an illustrator. Know your budget.
  5. Make sure you and the illustrator have clear boundaries of the ownership. Negotiations regarding portfolios, self-promotion options.
  6. Once you give the illustrator your content, an experienced illustrator may note places your text maybe too long.
  7. A good mention, have a professional children’s book editor review before sending to the illustrator. 
  8. Advice is to make sure you’re not working with an arrogant person before you sign the contract.  Listen to the Illustrators feed-back, on your story.
  9. Be prepared to expect extra costs, if requesting late changes.
  10.  A very important tip: Be aware of the standard industry rates going into it and, as my mother has always said, “Don’t spoil the ship for a halfpenny’s worth of tar.” Good illustrations will cost a number of halfpennies, but if something’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well, and a professional will provide expertise that may save you time and money in the long run.

There are many websites offering Freelance Illustrators.  Just be sure to follow some of the important steps when entering into a contract:



PRC Book Printing supports our Independent children’s book authors and will assist the Illustrator/Layout designer setting the covers and interior page files to provide you with exceptional binding and print. Call us today 888.659.8320.

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