How To Bind A Book

How To Bind A Book

Bookbinding styles range from simple to more complex. Options for self-binding include taping the book, binding it with string or ribbon, gluing it, or even sewing the pages into a book. If you are creating a mock up dummy for your book, here a few tips to bind a...
Quick Guide to Self-Publishing a Book

Quick Guide to Self-Publishing a Book

How to Self Publish a Book Checklist Compose your book Grab the pen and write your ideas. Start typing away. Proof-read complete text Having other eyes proof-read the entire book is a good method. Even better hire an Editor, especially a novel. If a children’s book,...
How Long Should a Novel Be?

How Long Should a Novel Be?

How Long Should a Novel Be? There are so many novel genres; there’s romance, Sci-Fi, biographies, children’s novels, and many more categories. The length of a novel depends on the type of book. Children’s novels produce about 60,000 words or less depending on the age...
What is a Galley Proof?

What is a Galley Proof?

What is a galley proof? In publishing, a galley proof is considered the last chance for the author, editors, and proofreaders to make the final edits to a book. This stage is not meant for major content changes, but rather minor edits. The name “galley proof” comes...
Self-publishing nonfiction formats

Self-publishing nonfiction formats

Primary Formats There are three primary formats to convey a nonfiction story: autobiography, biography, and memoirs. It is important for a self-publishing author to understand the difference to assure they are writing under the correct scope. Autobiography An...
Advice on Writing Your First Children’s Book

Advice on Writing Your First Children’s Book

Advice on Writing Your First Children’s book There are many challenges when it comes to writing a worthy children’s book: having it effectively published and printed can be overwhelming, and it is a long journey to reach a point where the book is profitable....
Benefits of Printing Books in China

Benefits of Printing Books in China

The stigma against printing in China has been around since the beginning of importing: “It’s on the Slow Boat from China”. Yes, shipping from the Far East to the West does take time, but with various accommodations and modern technology, you can receive books much...