China Holidays 2017

China Holidays 2017

China Holidays 2017 Remember the vast holiday celebrations when you are Printing books in China! China is known for taking many days off during the year. What may look like a lot of holidays for being a US citizen, but over in China it is the norm. Below you will find...
Copyright Information

Copyright Information

Copyright Information Several of our self publishers are new on the process of how, who and when to copyright their books in production. As your book printer, we need to make our client’s knowledgeable and assist with the production of your book. How do you write on a...

China New Year 2014

CNY 2014 The China New Year of 2014 is celebrating the Year of the horse. Those born on the year of the horse are known to have a personality of being cheerful, skillful with money, perceptive, witty and talented and good with their hands. Every year is a different...

Layout tips for Book Covers

Layout tips for Book Covers Here are some tips when creating the cover art files for your book project.  Whether you are printing a hard cover book or soft cover book, you need to provide a printer with the correct dimensions and layout of the covers and interiors....
Has the book changed over the centuries?

Has the book changed over the centuries?

Book Styles Through Generations Hair styles changed through the generations, in the 60’s it was a bouffant or beehive which was high off your head, 70’s hair styles consisted of the feather look, the 80’s it was the groovy high hair but messy, looked like it was never...


Purchase and ISBN Number Whether you are planning to print and sell a hardcover book, soft cover book, cook book, coffee table book, children book, calendar, and etc.. The ISBN number is a very important part of the process. ISBN stands for International Standard Book...