Book Ideas to Inspire the Self Published Author

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Book Ideas to Inspire the Self Published Author

Book Ideas to Inspire the Self Published Author

Five Book Ideas to Inspire Your Self Publishing Dream

If you’ve been working on a book but can’t seem to finish it, these book ideas will inspire you to print your book and share it with the world!

Keyword(s): book ideas

Having trouble coming up with book ideas? With the number of books that get published each year, it can be easy to think that you’re missing out. It can be difficult to come up with a story using fresh ideas. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t achieve great things. Determination and creativity work alongside each other. Never underestimate their power when writing a novel. Regardless, here are some great ideas to help inspire your creative juices:

1. Adapt a Real-Life Story

Coming up with a completely new idea is challenging. It can consume more time and leave you mentally exhausted. To hasten your book printing process, it’s better to adapt plot ideas from real life. Lots of compelling plots exist when reading the news or historical books. Use non-fictional books to inspire your fictional novel or short story. If you have no time to pore over pages, watch documentaries instead. The internet is your best source of inspiration beyond books and documentaries. You can listen to online podcasts on various streaming platforms like Twitch. You’ll hear great anecdotes now and then, which can inspire your creativity.

2. Adapt a Fairy Tale or Folk Legend Plot

Lots of great book ideas come from classic stories transcending multiple generations. For example, folklore from various countries has compelling plots. Some aren’t refined, but tweaking them will produce a fresher idea. Always remember that great stories enduring all cultural shifts are worth looking into. They have themes that continue to resonate with today’s audiences. They’re timeless and will continue to evoke various emotions for years to come.

3. Make Characters from People You Know

Successful writers often use notable people in their lives as inspiration. It allows them to flesh out their characters more. Without inspiration, you may end up making a flat character based on archetypes and stereotypes. A good place to start is to mine out a loved one’s characteristics. Whether it’s your best friend, family member, or colleague, use their quirks in your book. Observe their behavior the next time you’re with them. Use a notebook or your phone. If you have none of those within reach, make mental notes. After getting to work, think about whether these traits evoke story ideas. Sometimes, their unique behavior works well with a supporting character. If you feel inspired by their force of personality, make them the protagonist instead.

4. Write About a Significant Moment in Your Life

Reputable authors start their writing process by thinking about a significant event. It often starts with a memory from their life. You need not write a biography before you can draw ideas for your books. Think about an event that had a great impact on your life. It matters not what period of your life you drew it from. It can be a high school memory or something as recent as last year. If it had a lasting effect on your personality, it might inspire you. In the process, you’ll discover yourself more. The best part is that a lot of your future readers can relate.

5. Analyze Your Favorite Book’s Plot

It always pays to revisit your favorite pieces of literature. Reread the first book you loved as an adult. If you aren’t inclined to do it, think about a book you read recently and liked a lot. Reconnect with the plot and think about the story. What part makes it appealing to you? Does every page have a plot twist? Consider whether the character’s traits unfold at a steady pace. After that, pick the story elements that could inspire your story’s plot ideas. Develop some positive habits to keep yourself motivated.

6. Ask “What If” Questions

Think about significant historical eras like the Warring States Period in Japan. Imagine some key details and change them. It’s a fiction-writing technique, but it’s the cornerstone of the alternate history genre. Alternate history fiction’s narrative changes a key element of established history. Authors can then make a story based on the results of these changes. For example, you can add magic as part of the arsenal used in most historic battles.

7. Don’t Shy Away from the Bizarre

Some great ideas for a book started as a bizarre thought. With perseverance and luck, they could end up becoming American best sellers. Some celebrated authors had book ideas that risk-averse publishers would shoot down. Never be too quick to censor yourself when writing your work. Not all writing ideas will become published novels. This is when you need powerful world-building.

8. Start With Short Stories

Short stories have lighter plots compared to full-fledged novels. As you sift through fiction writing ideas, consider whether they’re substantial enough to become novels. Otherwise, shift them into short stories to get more ideas of how to structure the longer ones. It’s not as difficult to learn how to publish your own book if you practice with short stories. In the future, you could publish everything as part of a collection. As long as you grasp the fundamentals of short stories, writing a book becomes more inspiring.

9. Write as Soon as You Feel the Need

Planning your book idea is a crucial part of the writing process. However, never be too meticulous and dive into every detail. Otherwise, you’ll stray away from the task of writing the meat of your story. Your first draft might look horrible and ridiculous. However, you can always rewrite it afterward. Refining and redefining your writing is an important step toward publishing a great idea. Never hesitate and start writing as soon as inspiration hits. Do it before second-guessing your idea paralyzes you. Otherwise, you’ll never learn how to write your first book.

Get Better Book Ideas Today

With these book ideas, you’ll have an easier time inspiring yourself to write. Strike while the iron is hot. Type away as soon as you find something worth writing about using these ideas. Do you need help with self-publishing? Use our contact form to request a quote.
