Printing in China versus printing in the United States

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Printing in China versus printing in the United States

Positives and Negatives

Topic on a LinkedIn discussion, an author requested positive and negatives of printing in China versus printing in the United States.  This is a good question which brings us to why PRC Book Printing would make your overseas printing experience stress Free and pleasurable.

A positive with printing in China or overseas main advantage is low cost and abundant labor.  If your job requires a lot of hand-works; this is where you will see extreme cost savings over United States.
A negative with going directly overseas, is the communication barrier, which tends to be frustrating and costly to the customer.  PRC Book Printing representatives handles all communication with our overseas vendor from your first telephone call or email until the delivery of your project. We have established a set of procedures with our vendors which adhere to, in order to keep our agreement going. This how we bring US ideals at the low cost of China/Overseas manufactures to the US consumers.

Another positive with overseas printing; when producing a hardcover, soft cover, art book, children’s book, coffee table book… and requires unique customization you will see radical cost savings.  For a few reasons; again because of the abundant labor and all equipment under one roof; from binding machines, cutting machines, lamination machine, many different sheet-fed presses and web presses, and much more. In the United States it is way to costly to have all the necessary equipment under one roof so they have to farm it out, which adds to the cost to produce products in the US.

Another negative when printing 50-500 books, your best bet is to visit a local printer and produce your book with a digital printer, which is economical at that quantity.  To produce this small of a quantity the shipping from overseas/China will be astronomical in price due to shipping costs.

Shipping could be a positive or negative. If you have the time and you want to save money then overseas is ideal for you. If your project is time sensitive and time is critical then you have to endure the domestically high prices. Shipping usually represents the longest piece of the process producing overseas. Ocean freight is by far the most economical way; it normally takes anywhere from two to four weeks to travel from Asia to the US, including customs; delivery to other countries may vary slightly depending on the locations/distance and regulations.

If you want to hear more about what PRC Book Printing, please contact us at or by phone 888-659-8320.
