Quick Guide to Self-Publishing a Book

anatomy of a custom exam
October 03, 2019

How to Self Publish a Book Checklist

Compose your book

Grab the pen and write your ideas. Start typing away.

Proof-read complete text

Having other eyes proof-read the entire book is a good method. Even better hire an Editor, especially a novel. If a children’s book, reach out to a Language arts teacher friend.


If you understand publishing software you have the advantage! If not, hire a layout designer.


Seek out potential commentators for a testimonial.

Reviews & Testimonials

Obtain book reviews and testimonials to be used for promotion and back cover copy.

Acquire an ISBN number

When purchasing add to the order the barcode to place on the back cover of the printed book.


Get your book copyrighted through www.copyright.gov

Book Production

Choose a book manufacturer to fulfill the book printing and binding requirements.

Country of Origin

The book printer should advise what country the book will be produced in; USA or an overseas printing facility.


Proofread the entire book before printing, either paper or digitally after choosing the book printer. PRC recommends proofing via paper for first-time self-publishing clients.


Note when ordering look for the lowest per-unit cost for the production budget.

Launch date

Increase a few weeks due to production or shipping delays that may occur.


Who will handle the distribution? A majority of newly self-publishers handle the fulfillment. Ordering a lower quantity until the word spreads of the fabulous book.

PRC Book Printing continues to grow its clientele in the self-publishing community. Looking forward to hearing from you call 888.659.8320 or email: info@prcbookprinting.com

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