The Difference Between Book Printing And Book Publishing

Book printing vs. book publishing, which one should a self-publishing author choose? If you are struggling between the two, continue reading to decide which may be best for you.

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The Difference Between Book Printing And Book Publishing

In 2018, there were 1.68 million self-published books in the United States. With so many Americans wanting to publish their book, the same dilemma arises.

Do you know what the dilemma is? Book printing vs. book publishing, which one should a self-publishing author choose?

If you want more control over design and rights, book printing may be the best option. However, book publishing may be more suitable for those who prefer to remain in the background. If you are struggling between the two, continue reading to decide which may be best for you.

What Is Book Printing

In book printing, a person applies text and images from a computer to paper and binds the book. As the author, you simply pay for printing services and choose the formatting and other specifications for the book.

The book printer services will own no rights to the book and will have no dealings with the production and marketing of the book. The role of publishing and marketing the book will be the responsibility of the owner.

What Is Book Publishing

A book publishers are would like to own the rights of the books and make a profit from the sales. The author will give the rights of the book to the publisher for a fee, or keep the rights of the book as a self-publisher.

The publisher will earn the majority of sales revenue from a book when they take over the financial responsibilities for production and marketing. Royalties are paid to authors based on the percentage of book sales.

The publisher may also handle the following aspects of a book’s production, including:

  • Editing
  • Design
  • Marketing
  • Legal
  • Distribution


As the author of your book, you will not have to deal with the responsibilities of it when you sell the rights to the publisher. It is enticing to just write a book and not worry about its production, but the percentage of royalties you receive may not be significant.

In case you decide to go the publishing route, be sure to seek guidance to ensure you know what you’re getting into. Book printing is the best choice if you want to keep ownership of your book and avoid any future regrets.

Publishing vs. Printing: What’s the Difference

Do you get what’s the difference between book publishing and book printing now? Book publishing is the author selling their book to someone else to take full responsibility and ownership of the book. As for book printing, the author only pays for someone to print and design the book.

Book Printing Is the Best Option for You Would Like to Remain in Charge

If you decide to go the route of a book publisher, they will have the option to make changes to the book, which can be something you disapprove of. However, if you would like to avoid your hard work from becoming a disaster, then consider book printing as your option.

Is book printing your option? Contact PRC Book Printing today to request a quote.

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