Offering Sustainable Book Printing

At PRC Book Printing our Printing plants are dedicated to achieving green printing. It’s our mission at all of our in-house facilities to reduce our carbon footprint.

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Book Printing Resources

Offering Sustainable Book Printing

Sustainable, certification & regulations in our printing facilities

PRC Book Printing regulations in our facilities strive to be sustainable while maintaining certifications like; ISO-9001, FSC certified, FSC recycled paper certified, Disney Certified and achieve higher than the standard regulation.

Sustainable Printing

At PRC Book Printing our Printing plants are dedicated to achieving green printing. It’s our mission at all of our in-house facilities to reduce our carbon footprint. We provide environmentally friendly printing services. The inks we use are Vegetable and Soy based ink produced on the majority of printing projects, especially in are children books. The inks help lower emission since it’s an organic compound.

Recycling Paper

PRC Book Printing products are mostly made with paper and recycling is a huge part. We strive for continued improvement for the environment. Our partners are committed to paper recycling and choosing the right paper and supplier to make sure their doing their part being environmentally conscious.

Sustainable Packaging

At PRC Book Printing, we try to use cardboard packaging as much as possible. Cardboard is recyclable which save space in landfills and cuts down on greenhouse gas and carbon. The carboard packaging are organically low in VOCs (volatile organic compounds) which help lower secretions which triggers air pollution.

Striving to achieve

PRC Book Printing strives to achieve better in all aspects of our business. We impose requirements and checks & balances on our manufactures, suppliers and even our work life. We make sure we are doing our part, so our clients feel confident they are getting a great product and dealing with a company that has standards.

PRC Book Printing striving to be better! Please contact us today.

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