Smyth Sewn Binding

Smyth sewn binding is also known as section sewn. Smyth sewn is when groups of signatures are sewn together, using a needle and thread to form a book.

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Smyth Sewn Binding

Smyth Sewn Binding - PRC Book Printing
Smyth sewn books are some of the most durable and usable books available. What is smyth sewn exactly, though? Can it be used with hardcover book printing services? We’ll explain what smyth sewn binding is. We’ll go over what type of books it’s good for and if it works with hardcover book printing. To find out more, read on!

What Is Smyth Sewn Binding?

Smyth sewn binding is also known as section sewn. Smyth sewn is when groups of signatures are sewn together, using a needle and thread to form a book. Note: A signature is a large sheet of paper printed with several pages. When folded, this paper becomes a section or all of a book. The folded signatures are then gathered and sewn together to create a larger book.

The Smyth Sewn Process

The process for smyth sewn is simple. First, signatures get stitched together in groups through the fold. To do this, they use a heavy gauge needle, binding thread, and many stitches. Then, the signatures are all stitched together to create a book block. The threads get tied off, and a piece of fabric gets glued to the spine as a reinforcement. A hardcover or softcover is chosen to finish the book.

Perks of Smyth Sewn

A book that has smyth sewn binding is extremely durable. These books are high quality and designed to last. These books lay completely flat when open, and pages won’t fall out. Pages also can’t be removed without damaging the entire book. Because they’re so durable, they are ideal for sensitive documents that you don’t want to lose.

What Kind of Books Is Smyth Sewn Used For?

A variety of books use smyth sewn binding. It’s best for art books since you can see an image that spans two pages. It’s also great for logbooks, public library editions, and collectible editions. Likewise, it’s the perfect choice for textbooks or notebooks. It’s also the highest quality in commercial binding.

Does It Work With Hardcover Book Printing Services?

Smyth sewn works great with hardcover book printing. Using a hard cover rather than a soft cover makes the book even more durable. Softcover is nothing but card stock, making books more damageable. Hardcover book printing is also great for children’s books. They are typically smyth sewn, and case bound, making them durable and able to withstand wear and tear.

Print a Book Today

It can be difficult to find a good book printing company. And when you’re about to print a book, it can be overwhelming choosing a binding option. With hardcover book printing and a smyth sewn binding, your book will be durable and made to last. We want to help you create the book of your dreams. Check out our hardcover book printing services and our blog to learn more about how to publish your book today!

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